Originally uploaded by sevenworlds16
I <3 sharpies too!!
Great color and saturation. Just a really fun picture. Taken with a Diana camera (Holga's cousin!).
I sold this photograph last Friday for use in a promotional piece. It is the first photo I've sold...the designers found my picture via a Flickr search. I've been contacted before by people wanting to use my photography, but it always seems to fall through. While I don't have the check in my grubby little paws yet, I'm pretty sure this one is a go!
I have long been a fan of Dale Chihuly's work. I was in the mood for some today and came across this...I love the colors and the way they pop off of the black background.
What a great summer shot! Lovely color...and with a Holga, my favorite!
Apparently, in English, this roughly translate to "It's not the festival" ... whatever. I just love the simplicity and color.
This was the very first photo I ever added as a favorite in Flickr...I still love its simplicity.
Great color. Great composition. Taken with a Holga. Not much more to say.
What says summer more than the windows down and the breeze blowing through your doggie's mane? I love the composition and expression of this shot.
I suppose it is a little egotistical to use my own photo for my Flickr photo of the day, but it is one of my favorites and is relevant. This image was taken with my Holga at the Indiana State Fair in 2006. The 2008 State Fair kicked off yesterday.
I love the contrast and the angle on this Holga photo by CharlieGentle on Flickr. It was an instant favorite when I came across it yesterday.